Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Southeast Bank Limited, Post: Officer/Senior Officer/Executive Officer/ Principal Officer Etc.

Source: Daily Prothom Alo, Date of Publication: October 31, 2012

The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd, Post: Medical Representative.

Source: Daily Prothom Alo, Date of Publication: October 31, 2012

Rural Electrification Board, Post: Asst. Commition/Asst. Director (Executive) Etc. Rural Electrification Board, Post: Asst. Commition/Asst. Director (Executive) Etc.

Source: Daily Ittefaq, Date of Publication: October 31, 2012

Bangladesh Bank,(Resulat) Post: Asst. Director.

Source: Daily Ittefaq, Date of Publication: October 31, 2012

Government Jobs, Post: Office Asst.Cum-Computer Operator.

Source: The Daily Star, Date of Publication:October30, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bangladesh Bank, Post: Officer ( X-Cader Nurse)

Source: The Daily Star, Date of Publication: October 018, 2012

Bangladesh Polish, Post: Office Assistant Cum- Computer Operator.

Source: The Daily Star, Date of Publication: October 018, 2012

Armed Forces Medical College, Post: Curator, (CGO) Modeler, Taxidermist Etc.

Source: The Daily Star, Date of Publication: October 018, 2012

United Nations Development Programme, Post: District Governance officer.

Source: The Daily Star, Date of Publication: October 018, 2012

North South University, Post: Deputy Director, asst. Audit Officer.

Source: The Daily Star, Date of Publication: October 018, 2012

Ranks Petroleum Ltd, Post: General Manager, (Sales)

Source: The Daily Star, Date of Publication: October 018, 2012

SKS Foundation, Post: Co- ordinator, Area Manager, Branch Manager, Field Assistant, MIS Officer.

Source: Daily Prothom Alo, Date of Publication: October 18, 2012

Popular Jobs